The application includes a web interface to allow access from remote devices.Changes to the game API may impact functionality when using ICARUS Terminal with older versions of the game. Horizons), but it is currently explicitly designed for use with the latest versions. The application will run against the latest version of Elite Dangerous (Odyssey) and older releases (e.g.

If you have a conflict with your anti-virus or firewall software, please contact the vendor responsible for that software. All releases are code signed and verified.The launcher will indicate when a new release is available.All releases are pre-releases and contain known defects. Recent game data is loaded in to memory when launched and streamed in real time when the game is active, it is not persisted or cached to disk. No additional diskspace is required to store game data.No manual configuration or setup is required, it will automatically find your game data.No dependancies are required to install the application.If you are running an older but supported release of Windows, any missing dependancies will be automatically installed.

The self-contained installer is around 20 MB and has no dependancies. Chromebook, Android Phone/Tablet, Amazon Fire Tablet) the UI is specifically designed with touch screen devices in mind and to adapt the layout of panels to both landscape and portrait displays, both large and small. You can run ICARUS Terminal in a native window, on multiple windows/displays, as an overlayed window in top of the game if playing with a VR headset or on an ultra-wide display or connect remotely in a browser from another computer/tablet/phone/other devices (e.g. ICARUS Terminal is a free, immersive, context-sensitive companion app and second screen interface for Elite Dangerous. ICARUS Terminal is currently in early access.